Illinois Religous Organizations

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Illinois Religous Organizations

Augustinians of the Midwest (O.S.A.) - Olympia Fields, IL 60461-1081 - 708-748-9500
Religious Order
A Roman Catholic community of religious men who seek to be united in mind and one heart intent upon God.
Cook County Religous Organizations
Freedom Lutheran Church, AFLC - Ottawa, IL 61350 - 815-792-8642
Freedom Luth. Church (rural Ottawa, IL) is committed to proclaiming God's Word. We still believe & teach the bible. We believe & have experienced God's work in our lives & desire the same for you. Come, visit, and learn how God's love will make your life complete.
La Salle County Religous Organizations
St Paul Lutheran Church Round Lake IL. - Round Lake, IL 60073 - 847-546-4685
Lutheran Churches
We are a bible based, Christ centered congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod located in Round Lake, Illinois
Lake County Religous Organizations
Maple Avenue Christian Church - Macomb, IL 61455 - 309-837-9318
MACC strives to be a congregation patterned after the Church revealed in the New Testament. In order to accomplish this goal, we implement the commands in Scripture:

McDonough County Religous Organizations
Saint John Lutheran Church - Island Lake, IL 60042 - (847)526-7614
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
We think you will find us to be a

McHenry County Religous Organizations
Latter Rain Ministries - Litchfield, IL 62056 - 217-324-6215
LRM is a non-denominational missionary organization on the cutting edge of revival.
Montgomery County Religous Organizations
Sure Word Ministries - Litchfield, IL 62056 - 217-324-3118
SWM is an International Prophetic Ministry.
Montgomery County Religous Organizations
Community Bible Church - Swansea, IL 62226 - 618-624-6100

St. Clair County Religous Organizations

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