Illinois Items Wanted | |||
Illinois Items WantedAKC Yellow Lab Puppies For Sale - Maquon, IL 61458 - (309) 875-3433Labrador Retriver AKC Registered Yellow Labrador Retriever Puppies For Sale.They were born on September 24, 2004. The will be 8 weeks old November 19, 2004. They are ready to go, now. There are 2 females and 1 male. The price of a puppy is $200.00. Clark County Items Wanted Taylor - Avon In 46123 - 317-839-4605 Land 50-250 acres $1500 or less. Prefer land already in a GOVMT> program or cash rent Clark County Items Wanted Wanted Horse Trailer Reasonable - Aledo, IL - 309 534-8558 3-4 GN Aluminum Horse Trailer We are looking for a nice but reasonably priced horse trailer. Need a 3 - 4 horse slant gooseneck. Please email if you have one for sale. Thanks Mercer County Items Wanted Baby Girl Clothes Wanted - 0000000000 - 0000000000 BABY CLOTHES WANTED! I am looking for name brand GIRL....BABY clothes from 6-12 months old. Anything from The Childrens Place, Tommy Hilfiger, Gap, Polo, etc. I am also looking for size 2 girl shoes. If you have any of these items, please either email me a picture or email me and tell me what you have. I am willing to pay a resonable price for these items. me Montgomery County Items Wanted Boyd - St. Jacob, IL 62281 - 618-644-5912 Permission to hunt deer, 2nd season. I'd like permission to hunt 11-30 thru 12-3, 2000 on your land. I have an any-deer shotgun permit for Montgomery County IL, but no place to hunt. I'm 42, have 2 children and been married 20 years and am very gun safety oriented. May I hunt on your property, please. Thanks. Montgomery County Items Wanted Pratis - Grand Chain,IL 62941 - 618-634-9144 waterbed I am looking for a new or used in good condition king size waterbed. Pulaski County Items Wanted NEED A 2 BEDROOM HOUSE OR APARTMENT. - METAMORA,ILLINOIS - 383-4521 WANT APARTMENT OR HOUSE FOR RENT need a 2 bedroom with 1 bathroom(or more)must take section 8 Woodford County Items Wanted |