Illinois NonProfit Organizations

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Illinois NonProfit Organizations

Boys & Girls Clubs of West Cook County - Bellwood, IL. 60104 - 708-547-6960
Children services
Youth agency serving children, ages 8 - 17, in the West Cook County area.
Cook County NonProfit Organizations
Cook County Housing Development Corp - Chicago, ILL, 60604 - 312-542-4758

Non-profit housing development corporation, developing low-to-moderate income units throughout suburban Cook County.
Cook County NonProfit Organizations
Laborers for JUSTICE - Chicago, Il 60659 - 773-878-1002
Labor Unions
Web site and organization by and for rank and file members of the Laborers Union that want a democratic, corruption free union.
Cook County NonProfit Organizations
Schaumburg Jaycees - Schaumburg, IL 60168 - 847-985-5130
Community Service
Young adult organization of men and women between the ages of 21 and 39, which promotes personal improvement and growth through community service. Members are simply people wishing to better themselves while serving their fellow man.
Cook County NonProfit Organizations
Woman Made Gallery - On Line Artists' Registry - CHICAGO IL 60616-1321 - 312 328 0039
art gallery
The Woman Made Gallery (WMG) offers a professional on-line artists' registry to promote and showcase art by women - open to all women artists around the world
Cook County NonProfit Organizations
Art of Living Foundation - Bloomingdale, IL 60108 - 630-930-9145

A deeply introspective and fun course, the Art of Living Course is enjoyed by people of all backgrounds, cultures and traditions in over 140 countries.

DuPage County NonProfit Organizations
Naperville Humane Society - Naperville, IL 60563 - 630-420-8989
Animal welfare

DuPage County NonProfit Organizations
Edwards County Farm Bureau Foundation - Albion, IL 62806 - (618) 445-2113
The Edwards County Farm Bureau has provided over $10,000 in scholarships to Edwards County students majoring in agricultural related fields of study. The Foundation is a non-profit entity. As the Foundation is a young organization, personal donations are greatly appreciated. Contact the Edwards County Farm Bureau Manager at (618)445-2113 for more information.
Edwards County NonProfit Organizations
Spoon River Public Library District - Cuba, IL. 61427 - 1-309-785-5496
Small rural library located on the southwest side of the Cuba Square. The library serves a population district of approximately 3200. The library has a wonderful collection of adult & children's materials including fiction, non-fiction, videos, audios, magazines and more. The library also offers book delivery to shut-ins who live in the serving area.

Fulton County NonProfit Organizations
Fundraise with Candles ~ 866-937-1504 - Cambridge, IL 61238 - 866-937-1504
When you choose to Fundraise with Home and Garden Party Candles, you choose to offer your customers quality candles at a reasonable price, all the while making a profit for your group or organization.

Henry County NonProfit Organizations
Center for Cultural Interchange - Bonnie, IL 62816 - 618-242-7195
exchange student program

Jefferson County NonProfit Organizations
Citizens for a Cleaner Lake Michigan - Highland Park, IL, 60035 - 847-436-9566
Criticism of Army plan to leave hazardous waste site next to Lake Michigan.
Lake County NonProfit Organizations
Lambs Farm - Libertyville, IL 60048 - 847-362-4636
Lambs Farm is a non-profit organization serving people with developmental disabilities through vocational, residential, social and recreational services. Uniquely, it is also a family destination with a Farmyard, Children’s Attractions, Restaurant, Pet Shop, Thrift Shop and Country Store & Bakery where those served learn vocational skills.
Lake County NonProfit Organizations
Center for Cultural Interchange - Olney, IL 62450 - 618-392-4819
exchange student program
CCI is a non profit student exchange program and we are currently looking for individuals and families in the county that would like to help make a dream come true for a student from overseas.

Lawrence County NonProfit Organizations
Cra-Wa-La Volunteers in Probation, Inc. - Lawrenceville, IL 62439-0635 - 618-943-5326
Volunteerism and Mentoring
The objective of this not-for profit organization is to redirect the lives of at-risk and troubled youth away from involvement with our juvenile justice system and toward becoming productive and law-abiding members of society. This is done through one-on-one mentoring, community grassroots organizing and mobilization and providing youth, and family advocacy services.
Lawrence County NonProfit Organizations
Center for Cultural Interchange - St Charles, IL 60174 - 888-488-4056
cultural programs
Show American Spirit by volunteering to host a student from overseas. Short term programs, high school and community college programs, outbound programs for individuals, and group programs. Make a dream come true for a student from overseas by opening your heart and your home
Logan County NonProfit Organizations
Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council - Glen Carbon, IL 62034 - 618-692-0692

Each girl receives opportunities to develop self-esteem, self-reliance, and leadership and teamwork skills in a fun and safe environment; every volunteer has opportunities to use unique skills, to uncover untapped talents, and to contribute to the community through her or his work with girls.
Macoupin County NonProfit Organizations
McLean County AIDS Taskforce - Bloomington, IL 61702 - 309-827-2437
AIDS/HIV Organizations
The McLean County AIDS Task Force is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to working with people with HIV/AIDS, their families, partners, and friends. Our goal is to provide information and emotional support to those who are impacted by HIV/AIDS. As unmet needs continue to grow, MCATF will devote its energy and talents to providing compassionate care and HIV/AIDS prevention through counseling and education.
McLean County NonProfit Organizations
Mercer County Fair - Aledo, IL, 61231 - 3095822272
Mercer County Fair
The online home of the Mercer County Fair
Mercer County NonProfit Organizations
Mercer County Family Crisis Center/CASA - Aledo, IL 61231 - 309-582-7233

The Mercer County Family Crisis Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to help victims of violent crimes. The Crisis Center provides a speakers bureau along with counseling, court adovacay, a Children's Advocacy Center,transportation to name just a few. There are no fees, and no on will be turned away.
Mercer County NonProfit Organizations
Ogle County 4-H - Oregon, IL 61061 - (815) 732-2191
4-H is the youth development program of University of Illinois Extension. Resources for 4-H clubs and leaders, calendar of events, newletters and educational fun.
Ogle County NonProfit Organizations
Southernmost Illinois Delta Empowerment Zone, Inc. - Ullin, IL, 62992 - 618-634-9471
Economic Development
A federally designated zone to bring about sustained economic prosperity through grassroots efforts of local residents.
Pulaski County NonProfit Organizations
Center for Cultural Interchange - Olney, IL 62450 - 618-392-4819
exchange student program
Looking for local individuals and families interested in learning more about hosting a student from overseas for a semester or school year. Programs available for American students and adults to travel abroad.
Richland County NonProfit Organizations
Through A Child's Eyes Association - Machesney Park, IL. 61115 - 815-637-2839
Daycare Association
An association driven for childcare providers to get training.
Winnebago County NonProfit Organizations

Agriculture_and_Animals | Arts_Crafts_Antiques | Automobile_and_Truck_Services | Business_Opportunities | Children_and_Child_Care | Class_Reunion_Announcements | Computers_and_Internet | Construction_and_Home_Repair | County_or_City_Guides | Entertainment_and_Leisure | Financial_and_Insurance | Government_Pages | Health_and_Personal_Care | Home_Services | Homes_For_Sale_by_Agent | Homes_For_Sale_by_Owner | Industrial_and_Manufacturing | Items_For_Sale | Items_Wanted | Local_Genealogy_Sites | Miscellaneous | News_and_Media | NonProfit_Organizations | Personal_or_Family_Pages | Professional_Services | Property_For_Rent_or_Lease | Real_Estate_Services | Religous_Organizations | Restaurants_and_Lodging | Retail_Wholesale_Mechandisers | School_Pages | Sports_and_Fitness | Travel_and_Lodging | Vehicles_For_Sale |
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