Illinois Hotel

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Illinois Hotel

Caribbean Information Office - Des Plaines IL 60016 - 847-699-7570
Travel Agency
Caribbean Info. Office is a reservations service for apartments, condos, guesthouses, hotels, resorts and villas in the Caribbean Islands. Honeymoons, weddings, family vacations, scuba diving, live aboard yachts, golf outings, conferences and groups.
Reservations for condos, hotels, resorts and villas in the Caribbeans.,Scuba diving and cruises. Weddings and honeymoons.,38 years experience
Cook County Travel and Lodging
cruise specialist - Hanover Park, IL 60133 - 630 540 9340
Travel and lodging
We are renewing our love of cruises. We have representation for all cruise lines. We have been in the cruise industry since 1990 booking different cruise lines depending on what the client likes. The cruise ships are multifunctional, meaning they are your hotel, resturant, nightclub, a complete resort which has shore excursion. Call me and I will find you a cruise that will meet your expectations and more. Cruises,cruises, cruises, cruises. Fun, fun, and more fun,We are a small cruise agency that works from home. We can and will come to your home with our laptop computer to show you what the cruise business has to offer.
DuPage County Travel and Lodging
Quality Inn & Suites - Statehouse - Springfield, IL 62701 - 217-528-5100
The Quality Inn & Suites State House, formerly The State House Inn, located in downtown Springfield Illinois has been magnificently renovated into the most comfortable Hotel in the City. We are walking distance from most of the major Abraham Lincoln attractions. Every room also has a Workstation and two telephones,Ultra comfortable pillow-top mattresses, comforters with duvet covers, deluxe pillows,
Sangamon County Travel and Lodging

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