Valuecom also owns and maintains the following directories:
Valuecom Real Estate Gold is an extremely popular site with over 3500 real estate service providers indexed
by state.
Real Estate Exclusive is browsable for Real Estate Agents and Services by state. We have links to apartments, lenders and home services. has links to information on every state and county in the nation. With over 100,000 static pages and a very fast search of all its listings by Zip Code, city or keyword.
There are over 3000 Real Estate and Apartment related listings on the site and links to Real Estate and Rental information in every state. There is virtually no spam and all listings are checked for family acceptable content. has address and phone information on every school system in the nation. A valuable resource for anyone relocating or just looking to find the contact for a particular school. The listings available by school name, county, state or by school system.
The following are regional sites that offer a large amount of information about the Atlanta Area:
Metro Atlanta County Guide
These SEs offer our Atlanta based clientele immediate traffic and very little if any additional cost. We invite all Atlanta based businesses and Real Estate Agents to submit there profiles for a minimal fee.
ValueCom is a web development company that specializes in providing it's clients effective internet
solutions. We can offer simple "brochure ware" web sites to provide a 24/7 sales tool for any size business or we can
provide complex, searchable database driven sites for e-commerce or listing databases. We have done work with many Real Estate Agents and offer the unique ability to advertise Real Estate sites on our many search engines.
Please feel free to click the contact us link and ask us any questions you may have about our services
PO BOX 277
Bethlehem GA 30620
Real estate, Rentals, FSBO, Apartments, Roommates,
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