I usually sell homepage featured links in packages so I can give
discounts for all 4 sites I own that are real estate related.
They are all on different IP addresses.

These are the individual prices for homepage featured links:

uscounties.com - PR4 $250yr - since 1998
valuecom.com - PR3 $200yr  (usually 4) since 1995
http://valuecom.com/gold/realestate.htm PR4 $250yr since 1995
county-real-estate.com - PR3 (usually 4) $200yr

Note: realestate.htm is the landing page for the logo I 
have requested realtors to put on there page for over 10
years now.

I do all 4 of these for $700 yr

I also have:
realestateexclusive.com - PR3 $150yr
state-real-estate.com - indevelopment - PR2 $100yr
Uscounties.com state sponsorship - $50 yr

The price for the 7 link package is $800 yr.

######## VALUECOM REAL ESTATE GOLD ##############
All state level pages withing the 
http://www.valuecom.com/gold/ directory are PR3. >> 50 states
Each of them have 3 sponsorship levels.

$300 for top banner and first listing
$100 for 2-6 spots
$25 for featured, first come-first served.

http://www.valuecom.com/gold/index.html is the 
top level page for this directory. 

######### USCOUNTIES.COM 3000 county package ###########

USCOUNTIES.COM has 50 states and 3000+ counties.
I have created a wizard that will post you business
in each county. This wizard allows you to edit these listings.
Here is an example of one of the clients pages they have created
from the editor.


Each page is an individual FLATTENED page. 

I do this package for $1800.00. This is a ONE-TIME fee. 
You may edit the page anytime you wish.

######### VALUECOM.COM CATEGORY PAGES##############

if you drill down the state on from the right
state list on valuecom.com you will see that some of the pages 
have sponsors at the top of the center columns. These are available
at state and state/category. 

I sell these in packages of 10 for $250yr. 
I need to be funished with copy and pastable
HTML for these pages.

EXAMPLE: http://www.valuecom.com/acclaim/California/

I also have some other sites not real estate related:

www.schoolwatchers.com - PR3 $150 yr
atlantaguidebook.com/surfatlanta.com - PR3 $200 yr
atlantaguidebook.com/hotels.htm	- PR3 $150 yr