Washington Flag | ||
Washington FlagInternet Flagging Information & Services - Tacoma, WA. 98444 - (253) 531-4664WA. Certified Flaggers training Certification for flagging. Cost $45.00 per person or group rates of 15 or more participants. This is a 6-8 hr class. Testing must pass 80% or better with open book test.A road test will be given to assure proper emergency proceedures are comprehended. WA. Certified Flaggers training,, Pierce County Miscellaneous Americas Flag Shop - US Antenna Flags - Spokane, WA, 99209 - 509-465-1606 Flags Retail and wholesale manufacturer of American Made antenna flags, silk-screened T-Shirts, and custom engraved glassware and gift items from the USA! American Flag Antenna Flags,Made in the USA,Wholesale, retail, manufacturer of US Antenna Flags Spokane County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers |