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Washington Electronics

GoMobile Commerce, LLC - Tacoma, WA 98404 - 866-924-8955
GoMobile Commerce is the first company in the nation to provide a turn key solution for wireless credit card machine rentals without long term contracts and will work with your current merchant service provider. Rental clients include event planners and coordinators, charity auction events, ticket sales, food concession stands, tradeshows, and outdoor vendors for events which include the Olympics in Beijing 2008 and the 2009 Presidential Inauguration. GoMobile is one of the largest resellers of the Blue Bamboo H50 wireless terminal in North America. The H50 wireless terminal is one of the lowest cost, most secure, and reliable solution, making it perfect and convenient for mobile vendors to take credit cards as a form of payment. Clients who purchase units include mobile vendors such as tow trucks, carpet cleaning, plumbers, electricians, taxis, fairs/festivals, farmers markets, trade show exhibitors, dog groomers, auto detailers, restaurants (i.e. pay at the table), line busters at retail stores, and many more. Credit Card Machine,Rental,Wireless
Pierce County Computers and Internet
GoMobile Commerce, LLC - Tacoma, WA 98404 - 866-924-8955
GoMobile Commerce is the first company in the nation to provide a turn key solution for wireless credit card machine rentals without long term contracts and will work with your current merchant service provider. Rental clients include event planners and coordinators, charity auction events, ticket sales, food concession stands, tradeshows, and outdoor vendors for events which include the Olympics in Beijing 2008 and the 2009 Presidential Inauguration. GoMobile is one of the largest resellers of the Blue Bamboo H50 wireless terminal in North America. The H50 wireless terminal is one of the lowest cost, most secure, and reliable solution, making it perfect and convenient for mobile vendors to take credit cards as a form of payment. Clients who purchase units include mobile vendors such as tow trucks, carpet cleaning, plumbers, electricians, taxis, fairs/festivals, farmers markets, trade show exhibitors, dog groomers, auto detailers, restaurants (i.e. pay at the table), line busters at retail stores, and many more. Credit Card Machine,Rental,Wireless
Pierce County Computers and Internet

| Acreage | Acres | Air | Alcohol | Angel | Apartment | Apartment | Apartments | Area | Auction | Baby | Bail | Band | Bible | Bio | Birth | Blue | Boarding | Book | Broker | Business | Cabins | Camera | Cancer | Cancer | Candle | Car | Cards | Care | Cat | Chamber | Child | Church | City | Cleaning | Clock | Code | Commercial | Computers | County | Credit | Date | Date | Dating | Day | Depression | Design | Dirt | Dog | Dogs | Doll | Elect | Electronics | Electronics | Estate | Estate | Exam | Family | Farm | Feed | Finance | Find | Finder | Fitness | Flag | Foreclosure | Foreclosures | Friends | Fun | Furniture | Gift | Gifts | Gold | Gov | Grass | Grass | Green | Group | Guide | Hardware | Health | Heart | Homes | Hotel | Houses | Industrial | Insurance | Internet | Invest | Island | Jesus | Joint | Keepsake | Lake | Land | Lawn | Lesson | Liberty | Licensed | Life | Listings | Loan | Local | Loss | Lot | Love | Luggage | Lung | MOV | MPG | Magic | Men | Modeling | Month | Move | Movies | Moving | Moving | Music | Mystic | Notary | Office | Oil | Pain | Paint | Palm | Parrots | Patent | Patients | Phone | Physical | Portal | Prevention | Product | Profit | Psychic | Radio | Ranch | Real Estate | Realtor | Realtors | Realty | Record | Recreation | Red | Rent | Residential | Retirement | Retreat | School | Sculpture | Shirt | Shop | Silver | Site | Skin | Skin | Software | Soil | Source | Sports | Stop | Store | Tattoo | Taxi | Tea | Teach | Toy | Tracts | Travel | Treatment | Truck | USA | Vacation | Van | Vioxx | Watches | Water | Web | Wedding | Week | Weight | White | Women | Year | Zip |
An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products

| Acreage | Acres | Air | Alcohol | Angel | Apartment | Apartment | Apartments | Area | Auction | Baby | Bail | Band | Bible | Bio | Birth | Blue | Boarding | Book | Broker | Business | Cabins | Camera | Cancer | Cancer | Candle | Car | Cards | Care | Cat | Chamber | Child | Church | City | Cleaning | Clock | Code | Commercial | Computers | County | Credit | Date | Date | Dating | Day | Depression | Design | Dirt | Dog | Dogs | Doll | Elect | Electronics | Electronics | Estate | Estate | Exam | Family | Farm | Feed | Finance | Find | Finder | Fitness | Flag | Foreclosure | Foreclosures | Friends | Fun | Furniture | Gift | Gifts | Gold | Gov | Grass | Grass | Green | Group | Guide | Hardware | Health | Heart | Homes | Hotel | Houses | Industrial | Insurance | Internet | Invest | Island | Jesus | Joint | Keepsake | Lake | Land | Lawn | Lesson | Liberty | Licensed | Life | Listings | Loan | Local | Loss | Lot | Love | Luggage | Lung | MOV | MPG | Magic | Men | Modeling | Month | Move | Movies | Moving | Moving | Music | Mystic | Notary | Office | Oil | Pain | Paint | Palm | Parrots | Patent | Patients | Phone | Physical | Portal | Prevention | Product | Profit | Psychic | Radio | Ranch | Real Estate | Realtor | Realtors | Realty | Record | Recreation | Red | Rent | Residential | Retirement | Retreat | School | Sculpture | Shirt | Shop | Silver | Site | Skin | Skin | Software | Soil | Source | Sports | Stop | Store | Tattoo | Taxi | Tea | Teach | Toy | Tracts | Travel | Treatment | Truck | USA | Vacation | Van | Vioxx | Watches | Water | Web | Wedding | Week | Weight | White | Women | Year | Zip |
An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products