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Oklahoma Bio

Harris Directory and Data Services - Norfolk, VA 23502 - 1-800-654-4548
Bartlesville, College and Sooner High Schools Alumni Directory Project
Bartlesville, College, Sooner High School Graduates: Where Are You? Bartlesville High Schools is proud to announce the production of an all-new alumni directory! The second edition directory will be the most up-to date and complete reference ever compiled on Bartlesville, College and Sooner High School alumni and feature detailed personal and professional information on graduates from all class years--making it easier than ever to find old friends as well as to network professionally. The upcoming alumni directory is currently being compiled and edited by our publisher, Harris Directory and Data Services of Norfolk, and we need your help! To ensure proper placement and accurate directory listing, please contact Harris to provide biographical details such as your current name, address, phone number as well as your professional information. Any additional information you can provide, such as reunion lists, school rosters or any other previously released alumni sources will be an invaluable contribution to the project. You may contact Harris Graduate Connection by calling toll-free at 1-800-654-4548. You may also choose to fax information to 1-800-860-9085 or email your updates to gcupdate@bcharrispub.com. For regular mail, please send information to the Bartlesville High Schools Alumni Directory Project, c/o Harris Graduate Connection, 6300 Center Drive, Norfolk, VA 23502. Thank you for helping to make the Bartlesville High Schools Alumni Directory project a success.
Nowata County School Pages

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