Oklahoma Band

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Oklahoma Band

Searching for Helen Dunkin my birthmother - Carney Ok 74832 - 405 865 3010
Looking for birthmother, I was born on May 9 1955 at University Hospital in OKC. Helen would be around 78 now. She was married but seperated from her husband at the time of my birth. She had a 7 year old daughter who would be around 53. Helen told no one about me. So I dont think any one is looking for me. Helen came from a large family 12 kids, she was Irish and Choctaw. I wish to find her or other birth relatives. na,na,na
Oklahoma County Personal or Family Pages
Adoptee Searching - Tatum,Texas 75691 - 903-836-2989
I am looking for information on my husbands adoption. He was born (according to his amended birth certificate) on April 18 1963 in Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa(I think)He weighed 6lb 3oz and he had blue eyes and strawbwrry blond hair. APRIL 18 1963,,
Tulsa County Personal or Family Pages

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