Iowa Gift

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Iowa Gift

The Frame Shop and Gallery - New Hampton, Iowa 50659 - 641-394-2371
Frames, Pictures
We have several Iowa artists represented in our gallery,Many well-known artists prints are framed & ready to go. 20% off anything already framed if you mention seeing this ad.,Several gift items are on hand: Christian books, confirmation, baptism, tapestries
Chickasaw County Entertainment and Leisure
Iowa Great Lakes Treasure Map - Fostoria, Iowa 51340 - 712-240-5936
For a number of years now JW Designs has been regularly publishing a colorful and unique map of the Iowa Great Lakes area. Many local gift shops and frame shops carry one or more versions of this wonderful collectible. If you are interested in JW Designs creating a similar collectible for your area e-mail us to request a bid.
Map making services,Web design,Logo design
Clay County Items For Sale
Emmas Sweets - Elgin,Iowa 52141 - 563-426-1010
Bakery, Cookies, Gifts
True homemade cookies and gift ideas. Locally we have birthday cake and other pastery treats. We ship via UPS! All cookies and gift baskets are made fresh on day of shipping. Homemade Cookies and gifts, gift baskets, cookie baskets,,
Fayette County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers
pennylaneinspirations, Margaret Majerczyk - Floyd, Iowa 50435 - 641-398-2874
Arts, crafts, gifts
welcome sign, gifts, wood gifts, painted crafts,lighthouses, Irish gifts, bird houses, painted santas, painted snowmen, easter gifts, patrotic gifts, 4thjuly gifts, all season gifts, yard signs, indoor signs, door signs, welcome signs, welcome figures, welcome, handpainted gifts, hand painted crafts, wood art, painted poles, winter paintings, summer paintings, witches, flowers, thanksgiving paintings, christmas angels, valentine, easter, hand painted furniture, oak furniture, oak pie safes,oak hutches,oak vcr cabinets, oak glass cupboards,oak hampers,oak trash bins,oak round top trunks, flat top trunks, painted trunks, hand painted furniture oak,,,
Floyd County Arts Crafts Antiques
Chautauqua Beads & Creations - Mt.Pleasant,Iowa,52641 - 3199866285

Looking for that special gift for you loved ones
25% off winter scented candles mention this add,10% off valentine crafts mention this add,
Henry County Arts Crafts Antiques
Fisher's Gift Shop - Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 - 888-294-9647
Gifts Shop
Fisher's Gift Shop is a Cedar Rapids gift shop that sells a wide variety of gifts for any occasion. Our gifts can be personalized and wrapped to your tastes. Call us today to see what we can do for you. ,,
Linn County Government Pages
Cynful Pleasures Passion Parties - Cedar Rapids, Iowa - 1-888-549-4874
Home Parties, Passion Parties
Enjoy a demonstration of Passion Party products in your home, hotel room, or community center where friends, family, coworkers, or couples gather to receive education and order in private, A demonstration of the products is given which lasts from 2-3 hours. Order forms and catalogs are given at the end of the demonstration and persons can ask questions in a separate ordering room, It is a free, tasteful approach from a women-centered business that places emphasis on increased pleasure in healthy relationships. It is a presentation from someone who owns their business, which means that some consultants will be more specific than others as to what kind of parties they will do and what guests comprise them.
passion parties, adult products, beauty products,Mention this ad for a FREE hostess gift!,
Linn County Home Services
The Village Florist - Pella, IA 50219 - 641-628-9360
Retail Florist and Gift shop
Retail florist: wedding equipment for rent; gift shop;colonial@ home candles;Highly trained designers; unique designs; voted marion county best for 2004 hospitality and service award ,,
Marion County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers
Tammy's Five Star Home System - Marshalltown, IA 50158 - 641-752-5500

Tammy knows how important it is to have a caring professional to help you when you're making a move. She gives you the one-to-one attention you deserve. There are many decisions to be made when purchasing or selling a home. Count on Tammy to keep you informed of the market trends and latest conditions, so you can make informed decisions when the time comes. Assisting Buyers & Sellers to Get the Most for Their Money,Get a FREE gift for signing my Guest Book,I give 7% of my Commission back to the Community
Marshall County Real Estate Services
Golf America Outfitters - Council Bluffs, IA 51502-1585 - 712-323-5621
Golf Retail
Home site for Golf America Outfitters. Discount Golf Merchindise, Art, Jewelry and more! Golf equipment, Golf Gifts, Jewelry, Art,Magazine Subscription,QRay Bracelets
Pottawattamie County Sports and Fitness
Dragonfly Dreams - Ames, Iowa 50014-1224 - 515-232-4352
Quality gifts and collectibles with pleasing prices. Grab your favorite beverage and come visit our online catalog. Monthly drawing for free merchandise!,Excellent fundraising opportunity!,Qualify for free merchandise & free shipping!
Story County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers
AVON - Thompson, IA 50478 - 641-584-2301
NEED CASH! Avon Reps Needed! 20 to 50% in discounts. No minimum orders, no pressure, no inventory. Ask me how. To buy or sell Avon, please call Helen Finer, AVON Independent Sales Representative at 641-584-2301 or Beauty,Skin-So-Soft ,Gifts & Apparel
Winnebago County Business Opportunities

| Acreage | Acres | Air | Alcohol | Angel | Apartment | Apartment | Apartments | Area | Auction | Baby | Bail | Band | Bible | Bio | Birth | Blue | Boarding | Book | Broker | Business | Cabins | Camera | Cancer | Cancer | Candle | Car | Cards | Care | Cat | Chamber | Child | Church | City | Cleaning | Clock | Code | Commercial | Computers | County | Credit | Date | Date | Dating | Day | Depression | Design | Dirt | Dog | Dogs | Doll | Elect | Electronics | Electronics | Estate | Estate | Exam | Family | Farm | Feed | Finance | Find | Finder | Fitness | Flag | Foreclosure | Foreclosures | Friends | Fun | Furniture | Gift | Gifts | Gold | Gov | Grass | Grass | Green | Group | Guide | Hardware | Health | Heart | Homes | Hotel | Houses | Industrial | Insurance | Internet | Invest | Island | Jesus | Joint | Keepsake | Lake | Land | Lawn | Lesson | Liberty | Licensed | Life | Listings | Loan | Local | Loss | Lot | Love | Luggage | Lung | MOV | MPG | Magic | Men | Modeling | Month | Move | Movies | Moving | Moving | Music | Mystic | Notary | Office | Oil | Pain | Paint | Palm | Parrots | Patent | Patients | Phone | Physical | Portal | Prevention | Product | Profit | Psychic | Radio | Ranch | Real Estate | Realtor | Realtors | Realty | Record | Recreation | Red | Rent | Residential | Retirement | Retreat | School | Sculpture | Shirt | Shop | Silver | Site | Skin | Skin | Software | Soil | Source | Sports | Stop | Store | Tattoo | Taxi | Tea | Teach | Toy | Tracts | Travel | Treatment | Truck | USA | Vacation | Van | Vioxx | Watches | Water | Web | Wedding | Week | Weight | White | Women | Year | Zip |
An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products