Iowa Furniture | ||
Iowa Furniture2ND TIME AROUND - CARROLL IOWA 51401 - 712/792-9699RETAIL CONSIGNMENT CONSIGNMENTS OF FURNITURE,CLOTHING OF 10% OFF ENTIRE CLOTHING PURCHASE FOR ,MENTIONING THIS AD!, Carroll County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers CASH (4) STUFF - ESTHERVILLE, IOWA 51334 - 712-362-3604 BUY, SELL, TRADE AND CONSIGN CASH (4) STUFF WE HAVE HOUSE STEREOS CAR STEREOS, TOOLS GOLD RIMS AND TIRES, FURNITURE, AND MORE THAN WE CAN LIST.,STOP AND SEE US AT CASH 4 STUFF... THE STORE THATS WORKING FOR YOU, Dickinson County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers CASH (4) STUFF - ESTHERVILLE, IOWA 51334 - 712-362-3604 WE BUY! SELL! TRADE! AND CONSIGN!!! CASH (4) STUFF THE STORE THAT IS WORKING FOR YOU!!! STEREOS, TVS, GOLD, RIMS AND TIRES, TOOLS, FURNITURE, IF YOUR LOOKING FOR IT THAN WE PROBLY HAVE IT.,, Emmet County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers pennylaneinspirations, Margaret Majerczyk - Floyd, Iowa 50435 - 641-398-2874 Arts, crafts, gifts welcome sign, gifts, wood gifts, painted crafts,lighthouses, Irish gifts, bird houses, painted santas, painted snowmen, easter gifts, patrotic gifts, 4thjuly gifts, all season gifts, yard signs, indoor signs, door signs, welcome signs, welcome figures, welcome, handpainted gifts, hand painted crafts, wood art, painted poles, winter paintings, summer paintings, witches, flowers, thanksgiving paintings, christmas angels, valentine, easter, hand painted furniture, oak furniture, oak pie safes,oak hutches,oak vcr cabinets, oak glass cupboards,oak hampers,oak trash bins,oak round top trunks, flat top trunks, painted trunks, hand painted furniture oak,,, Floyd County Arts Crafts Antiques WOODMINSTREL Woodparts - Hillsboro, Iowa 52630 - (319) 253-4800 Custom Architectural Millwork Working from samples, drawings or photographs, we custom manufacture exact duplicate wood parts for old buildings. We also make unusual wooden parts for new buildings. Let us know what you can't fix or find and we will make it for you. We will work in any wood you specify to precisely correspond to the original woodwork. Any size turnings from spindles to porch posts!,Moldings to match the woodwork in your home!,Custom cabinets and made-to-order furniture! Henry County Industrial and Manufacturing |