Indiana Religous Organizations

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Indiana Religous Organizations

Oak Forest Church of Christ - Brookville, Indiana - 765-647-2487

Oak Forest Church of Christ is a independent, non- denominational congregation of believers who accept God's word (the Bible) as our only rule of faith and practice.

Franklin County Religous Organizations
St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church - Westfield, IN 46074 - 317-867-3213
Catholic church and school
Catholic church and school grades k-8, just north of Carmel, In.
Hamilton County Religous Organizations
Liberty Tabernacle UPCI - Greenwood, IN 46143 - 317-902-6898

Liberty Tabernacle is an Apostolic, Jesus name, Holy Ghost filled revival church for YOU! Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:1)
Johnson County Religous Organizations
Living Word Fellowship Church - Santa Claus, IN 47579 - (812) 544-3328

Spencer County Religous Organizations
Arising Voice Ministries - Sullivan, Indiana,47882 - 812-798-9287

non-denominational christian church ministry. seeking God lead men and women to assist in the building of churches and christian community outreaches for this ministry. We serve a God without limits.We are a united team of christian believers united in our commen interest to further the kingdom of God.
Sullivan County Religous Organizations
Zion Bethel Church - Monticello, IN 47960 - 574-583-9+798
Sunday Services 8:00Am and 10:30AM,

White County Religous Organizations

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