Indiana Agriculture and Animals | |||
Indiana Agriculture and AnimalsAdams County Co-op - Monroe, In 46772 - 219-692-6111Agriculture We are a complete farm supply business. Our company was founded in 1928 by a group of farmers. We sell everything from Propane to Horse Feed and a few other items in between. Adams County Agriculture and Animals Ard's Farm - Lizton, IN 46149-9316 - 317-892-ARDS (2737) Hay Sales A clean nutritional blend of alfalfa, orchard grass, timothy, and red clover; small square bales; poly-twine tied; no rain; stored indoors; excellent quality and content for horses; delivery available in Hendricks and surrounding Indiana counties. Hendricks County Agriculture and Animals Carrell Quarter Horses - Liberty,In 47353 - 765 -458-9472 Foundation Quarter Horses,How the west was won Foundation quarter horses.Standing stallion; Sum Hum Tuesday,1977 Buckskin Perf.Point Earner,Perf. Point Earn Sire 9 foals to date,4 are perf. Point Earners, one rom ,three are of weaning age.Double bred King,Double Bred Hickory Bill, Double Bred Three Bars.Throwing 90% color on sorrels and bays.First time offered to public .If you want the reined cowhorse bloodlines that are winning the big ones,look no farther.High percentage,close up foundation lines,IN INDIANA!! at a Working man's price . Crosses well with Doc,Leo,King, mares.Shipped semen available.Mike Johnson DVM.Don't miss your oppurtunity to own one of his babies,he is old!!Do you hear oppurtunity knocking? Union County Agriculture and Animals |