Alabama Chamber | ||
Alabama ChamberBlountsville Alabama Online - Blountsville, AL 35031 - 205-429-4610Blountsville City Guide Welcome to Blountsville-Alabama .com! Online shopping is fast becoming America's preferred way to shop. Here you can find local businesses, news, local events, classified ads, coupons, and more! Blountsville, alabama, business, news, local events, classifieds, chamber of commerce, history, recipe, facts, statistics,CNN News, local jobs, auto sales, articles, garage sales, forums, sports, games, horoscopes, financial, coupons, humor,, Blount County County or City Guides Hall/Adamson Homecoming 2002 - Indianapolis, IN 46253 - 317-299-2966 N/A We are holding our 1st ever family homecoming in Roanoke, AL on May 25, 2002. Please contact me if you believe that you are related so that we can get information to you. Thanks. ,, Chambers County Personal or Family Pages VILLAGE MARKET - Valley , Alabama 36854 - [334] 756-2919 Retail & Wholesale Produce Retail & Wholesale fresh produce year round . Vine Ripe Tomatoes Year Round !!!,Fruit Baskets !!!,Fresh Pecans Cracked , Shelled & Shipped !!! Chambers County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers Menifee/Menefee/Mennifield/Minnifield - Auburn, Alabama - Menifee Family Roots Researching family roots. I need information about slaves and owners of the Goldhill Plantation that was owned by Harris' at one time and then Menifee's .It became known as The Ellington House.My great grandparents were Edith and Richard Menifee. They had 11 children. Some were Preston, William, Bob, Laura, Annie,Nelson, Samuel and others.The Menifee/Minnifield famiy lived across the county lines of Chambers, Macon, Lee, Tallapoosa, Talladega, Russell, Randolph, and many moved to Birmingham and on to other states. There are many variations of spelling of the name.Family Meet and Greet In Cleveland , Ohio -July 7,8,9 2001. Headquarters at Embassy Suite-Beachwood . A Marable/Minnifield Reunion is in August in Wedowee,Al. Sharing researched information,Geneology Conferences,Family Reunions Lee County Local Genealogy Sites |