Alabama Bible

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Alabama Bible

Grace Bible College and Seminary - Roanoke, Alabama, 36274 - 334-863-5683

Grace Bible College and Seminary (GBCS) seeks to equip the whole church for service, not just a professional segment. Our Mobilizing Believers Training Program follows the Biblical pattern of training laypeople for God's work. All of the body of Christ should be growing spiritually by being involved in His work. The 18 courses in our Mobilizing Believers Training Program will provide a good foundation for anyone interested in serving the Church. Every church needs well-trained workers who are able to perform the task of building up the body of Christ and our Mobilizing Believers program has been developed to accomplish this task. Every member of the local church should be involved in the ministry of their church in some way, according to the gifts that they possess.
Classroom and Distance Learning Programs,Equipping The saints for Works of Service,Affordable Spirit Filled Ministry Training
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