Virginia Bible

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Virginia Bible

St. Stephen's Anglican Church - Clifton Forge, VA 24422 - 540-862-1440
This site provides information on and links to information concerning the Anglican Catholic Church, a traditional Episcopal, Orthodox church whose primary focus is Apostolic Succession, traditional values, and Bible study.
Photos of St. Stephen's Church,Service Times,links to other Anglican Catholic Churches
Alleghany County Religous Organizations
Victory Christian Center - Poquoson, Virginia 23662 - (757) 868-9979
Come see the power of a God-given vision at work in the life of a full-gospel, local New Testament Church. Full-Gospel,KJV Bible Preaching/Teaching,Friendly and Growing Church
Poquoson city Religous Organizations
St. Thomas of Canterbury - Roanoke, VA 24012 - Parish Office: (540) 366-9416 Rectory: (540) 345 - 5935
This site provides information on and links to information concerning the Anglican Catholic Church, a traditional Episcopal, Orthodox church whose primary focus is Apostolic Succession, traditional values, and Bible study. Photos of St. Thomas and activities,Links to other Anglican Catholic Church web pages,Service Times & special activities
Roanoke County Religous Organizations
St. Paul's Anglican Church, Lexington - Lexington, VA. 24450 - (540) 463-1597
This site provides information on and links to information concerning the Anglican Catholic Church, a traditional Episcopal, Orthodox church whose primary focus is Apostolic Succession, traditional values, and Bible study. Photos of St. Paul's Church,Service Times,links to other Anglican Catholic Churches
Rockbridge County Religous Organizations
The Salvation Army - Suffolk, Virginia 23434 - 757-539-5201
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Universal christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Church Charity Social Services Youth Programs Religious Services,,
Suffolk city Religous Organizations

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