Texas Patients

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Texas Patients

Dr. Steve Byrd - Dallas, Texas, 75231 - 214-821-9662
Plastic Surgery
Located in Dallas, Texas, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Steve Byrd, offers a menu of services to his patients. Some of the procedures he performs include rhinoplasty and liposuction. Visit his website for more information. Rhinoplasty,Breast Augmentation,Abdiminoplasty
Dallas County Health and Personal Care
Dr. Mike Hinze, Gentle Family Dentistry - Hale Center, Texas 79041 - 806-839-2484
We are a small friendly full-service dental practice. We care deeply about our patients and strive to provide the best possible dental care with affordable fees. We accept most dental insurance, and offer free filing of insurance claims. We offer such services as: complete hygiene services, radiographic and intraoral video dental examinations, cosmetic dentistry, white and conventional fillings, crowns, partial and complete dentures. We have nitrous oxide conscious sedation available, and we have a convenient finance plan that features 0% interest with approved credit. ,,
Hale County Health and Personal Care
Blood Cancer & AML Leukemia Information - Houston, TX 77002 - 713-222-9998
Medical Information
Official AML leukemia website was created to help leukemia / blood cancer patients and their families and friends with up-to-date information about leukemia and more specifically about acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). We have the latest information on leukemia, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

Specific information about acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) cancer.
,Covers AML leukemia symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
,Describes At Risk jobs and how expousure to benzene is the most common cause of AML lukemia.

Harris County Health and Personal Care
Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma Information - Houston, TX 77002 - 713-222-9998
Medical Information
This website provides lung cancer and mesothelioma patients, their families and friends with up-to-date information. The website has four major sections with detailed information on Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma, major Cancer Hospitals and At Risk Jobs.

Learn about different types of Lung Cancer, and how they can be caused
,Read about the symptoms and causes of Mesothelioma, a reare from of cancer caused by exposeure to asbestos
,Find information on treatment, hospitals, and where to find financial support

Harris County Health and Personal Care
My Meds Prescription Service - Sulphur Springs, Tx 75483 - 866 320-6337

MyMeds.us assists low income patients receive free prescription medication from pharmaceutical company sponsored programs. free prescripton durgs,needy, indigent, low income,
Hopkins County Health and Personal Care
AssistGuide Long Term Care and Disabilities Directory - Fort Worth, TX. 76137 - 1-817-232-1955
Information Directories
Long Term Healthcare and Disabilities Directory. Providing long term care and disability solutions for long term care and disabled patients and their family members.,Specializing in long term care and disability products, services, information, and resources.,Nationwide support groups and professional healthcare advice.
Tarrant County Health and Personal Care

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