Ohio Physical | ||
Ohio PhysicalOhio Home Health Care for Elderly - 43223 - 614-278-3141Meals on Wheels, Senior Home Care Services Not for profit home care services in Central Ohio. Health care at home for senior citizens, disabled, homebound, those afflicted with HIV or AIDS. Meals on Wheels, visiting nurses, housekeeping and personal care aides for Franklin county and Madison county in Columbus and Central Ohio. meals on wheels,visiting nurses, housekeeping and personal care aides,Packaged meals for elderly, physically and mentally impaired, hospitals, schools, daycares Franklin County NonProfit Organizations Leading Lady Labor Support - Rio Grande, Ohio 45674 - 740-245-5675 Childbirth Labor support Doulas provide non-medical support. Doulas accompany women and/or couples in labor to provide emotional and physical support. A doula's continuous, knowledgeable, and reassuring presence makes a dramatic difference on how confident and comfortable a woman feels during labor and birth. Recent studies by DONA (Doulas of North America)founding board members, John Kennell, MD and Marshall Klaus, MD, reveal that the support of a doula substantially reduces the need for medical intervention. A 1991 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that the presence of a doula during labor is associated with the following benefits: an easier labor, reduced pain in labor, a shorter labor, reduced chance of an unnecessary cesarean section, reduced use of anesthesia and analgesia, reduced need for drugs to stimulate labor's progress, a safer, healthier birth, a healthier baby, and enhanced parent-infant attachment. Birth Doula/Labor Support, Childbirth Education, ,Breastfeeding Education, Post-partum Support,,DONA Member Gallia County Health and Personal Care Notez Music & Arts Education Workshop - London, OH 43140 - 740-812-0300 Music & Arts Education Workshop The Notez Music & Arts Education Workshop is a series of 7+ Music and Arts workshops. Workshops are designed to introduce and support Music and Arts Education as a foundation for reaching the overall goals of Literacy, Academic Excellence,effective Communications, and positive Social Development in ALL students. Notez supports our students, our public schools, and our community. The ultimate goal of Notez is to offer this program in communities across the country. Free to students, lyric writing, music workshops, art workshops, theater workshops, and one on one sessions with developmentally and physically exceptional individuals.,Youth programs, music camp, specialty workshops, and more!,Notez to launch online summer study program! Madison County NonProfit Organizations |