North Dakota Software

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North Dakota Software

City of Velva - Velva, ND 58790 - 701-338-2660, City Auditor

Welcome to Velva, the Star City on the Mouse River! Discover our quaint little community of 1000 friendly souls nestled in the Souris River Valley. We offer a progressive business environment, award-winning teachers at our fully wired public school and state championship sports and academic teams. The new nine-hole executive golf course is nearly complete and a new software business is adding value to Main Street. We're just 20 minutes away from the nearest city, so we offer small town living within easy reach of an international airport, boutique shopping, concerts and other amenities. Stop by and find out why we're so proud of our hometown! A first class public school with up-to-date technology, state championship sports program and award-winning academics.,Fresh, clean spring water from every tap in town!,Active, involved community-minded residents and economic development - a great place to start a business and raise a family.
McHenry County County or City Guides
Feist Computers - Wilton, North Dakota, 58579 - (701)734-6986

Can add and replace Hardware and drivers. Upgrade computers. Install software and can do some tutoring depending on what you need. Small business out of home. If I can't fix it you don't need to pay me. Adding and Installing Hardware and Software,Tutoring, Webpages.,Pick up and Delivery available, will work at my house or at yours.,Cheaper than the big shops. Smalltown friendliness.
McLean County Computers and Internet

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