New Mexico Music

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New Mexico Music

The Goodies - Albuquerque, NM 87113 - 505-417-9013
music instruments
Music gear I use or would use. guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, microphones, P.A.'s, amps, amplifiers, digital effects, music stands, cases, mixers, Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, Ramirez, Yamaha, Guild, Washburn, Shure, acoustic, electric, Sunn, Kustom, electro voice, Tascam, recorders, digital recorders, Tama, Ludwig, Djilden,,
Bernalillo County Entertainment and Leisure
Instrumentally Yours - 8404 River St. NE - 505-417-9013
an album based on classical guitar doing some great old cover songs. nstrumental,instrumentals,Intstrumentally Yours,guitar solos,solos,classical guitar,,,
Bernalillo County Personal or Family Pages
Triple L Bluegrass and Gospel Band - Portales, NM 88130 - 505-356-2788
Bluegrass and Gospel Band
We are the Miller Family, Len, Amy, Lance, Landon and Levi. We play bluegrass and gospel music for your (& our) entertainment. We do have a sound system if you need one so don't worry about that. Found us a place to pick? Give us a call!! God Bless and have a great day!! We play at churches,We will play at your festivals, meetings, & family gatherings,banjo, mandolin, guitar, fiddle, dobro, & bass are the instruments we play
Roosevelt County Entertainment and Leisure
Musical Minds - Rio Rancho, NM 87124 - 505-980-2948
music education
Musical Minds features the Kindermusik curriculum, ages birth through seven. Based on educational research, provides the best foundation for your child's future success in school and in life! Kindermusik curriculum - birth through seven,Summer camps available, individual or groups,$20 off tuition when mentioning this ad!
Sandoval County Children and Child Care

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