New Hampshire NonProfit Organizations

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New Hampshire NonProfit Organizations

Breakthrough! Library Partners,L.P. - - 603-534-2958
Children's Books Fundraising Project
We are a private children's charitable book distributor providing books to disadvantage children nationally and nationwide. Please kindly send your c
Belknap County NonProfit Organizations

We are a public private partnership engaged in the redevelopment of Merediths' Downtown area.
Belknap County NonProfit Organizations
Temple Band - Temple NH 03084 - 603-924-3478
Community Band
The First Town Band in America (1799). 100% Volunteer. Approximately 65 members of instrumentalists and support. Musical families are encourgaed. All levels of musical ability are welcome Hillsborough County NonProfit Organizations
The Sad Café: After School Youth Music P - Plaistow, NH 03865 - (603) 382-8893

A nonprofit organization offering after school programs, local amateur musicians & bands performances, teen dances & other events in a drug-free, family & teen friendly environment.
Rockingham County NonProfit Organizations
Fort at No. 4 Living History Museum - Charlestown, NH 03603 - (603) 826-5700
A faithful reproduction of the original fortified village, known as the Fort at No. 4, open to the public daily, mid-May through October. Admission charged. Living history demonstrations by costumed docents. French and Indian War reenactments.
Sullivan County NonProfit Organizations

Agriculture_and_Animals | Arts_Crafts_Antiques | Automobile_and_Truck_Services | Business_Opportunities | Children_and_Child_Care | Class_Reunion_Announcements | Computers_and_Internet | Construction_and_Home_Repair | County_or_City_Guides | Entertainment_and_Leisure | Financial_and_Insurance | Government_Pages | Health_and_Personal_Care | Home_Services | Homes_For_Sale_by_Agent | Homes_For_Sale_by_Owner | Industrial_and_Manufacturing | Items_For_Sale | Items_Wanted | Local_Genealogy_Sites | Miscellaneous | News_and_Media | NonProfit_Organizations | Personal_or_Family_Pages | Professional_Services | Property_For_Rent_or_Lease | Real_Estate_Services | Religous_Organizations | Restaurants_and_Lodging | Retail_Wholesale_Mechandisers | School_Pages | Sports_and_Fitness | Travel_and_Lodging | Vehicles_For_Sale |
An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products