Mississippi Health and Personal Care

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Mississippi Health_and_Personal_Care Business
123 Your Street Address - City, Mississippi 10001 - (877) 445-0253

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Mississippi Health and Personal Care

CEDARBROOK - Ashland, MS. 38603 - 662 224-0300

Assisted living home located in residental area 1/4 mile outside Ashland city limits on 5 acres with large trees. Very Quite. Accomidates 26 residents. Features large double occupancy room with private bath as well as dorm type rooms for three people. All rooms are large with 10 foot celings.

Benton County Health and Personal Care
New From the Creators of TAEBOŠ! - Minneapolis MN 55449 - 763 438 7993
Escape From The FAT FARM!
New From the Creators of TAEBOŠ! Carb-Lo is a breakthrough product that allows you to eat fabulous meals while losing weight. Low Carb Dieting made EZ! Child safe, Dr. Recommended, Guaranteed Weight Loss! Order Yours Today! ID: 1083682

Franklin County Health and Personal Care
E-Z Marketing - McHenry - 1-888-571-3565
Diet & Energizer
Fire Up your metabolism... ...and have explosive energy to Burn! XS ENERGY is an All New All Natural and Dietary Supplement first introduced on September 1, 2000. It is a unique blend of all natural herbs, Chromium Picolinate and Vitamin B-12 in a capsule form. Use this winning combination as part of an over-all strategy for optimum stamina, peak vitality, and long-term weight management. Only $12.95 per bottle! Make an important contribution to your good health. Try XS ENERGY today! EARN EXTRA INCOME! DISTRIBUTORS WANTED!
Stone County Health and Personal Care

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An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products