Michigan Bio

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Michigan Bio

Patriot Antenna Systems - Albion, MI 49224 - 800-470-3510

Patriot Antenna Systems is the manufacturer of the Patriot Line of Commercial Antenna Systems carrying DBS, VSAT, offset, and Prime Focus antennas for broadcast, cable, educational, government, and internet applications as the industry standard for quality including purchasing all of our quality products from our online store antenna,satellite,satellite antenna
Calhoun County Industrial and Manufacturing
GHR15NOW.com - Grand Blanc, MI, 48439 - 810-694-0686
The reverse aging miracle. The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable, however it has been found that some aspects of it can be prevented or reversed by releasing your growth hormones. GHR-15 stimulates the release of the growth hormone which speeds up the motabolism. Some of the benefits experienced after taking GHR-15 are increased muscle strength and size, loss in body fat, wrinkle disappearance new hair growth, improved sexual potency/frequency, resistance to common illness, controlled cholesterol, and much more. If you begin this program between 35 to 40 years of age, you could maintain your appearance and current biological age for the next 10 to 20 years. ,,
Genesee County Health and Personal Care
D & R Energy Services, Inc - Brighton,Michigan ,48116 - 810-229-2390
Renewable Energy
Who we are:
Hillsdale County Homes For Sale by Owner
D & R Energy Services, Inc - Brighton,Michigan 48116 - 810-229-2390
Energy Services
Now that the Methane Tax has been stopped before it became a reality, the time to think into the future is now. One way to help against the possibility of this tax rearing its ugly head and becoming a reality is in Biogas.
energy,solar,renewable energy,wind,geothermal,methane gas recovery,,
Livingston County Professional Services
Biomin, Inc. - Ferndale, MI 48220 - 248-544-2552
Environmental, water recycling, water clean up, flocculants
Manufactures clays and flocculants that remove oil,MTBE, color/tannin, heavy metals, PCBs, PNAs and other hydrocarbons from water. 700 times more effective at 1/2 the cost of carbon alone. Approved by US Dept of Defense and the US Dept. of Energy State of the art water clean up for industrial and ground water and flocculants,Biomin, water filtration, oil removal, oil/water separation, ground water, MTBE, recycle water, water, tannin removal, emulsified oil,clay, flocculant, waste water, water clean-up, activated carbon, oil, grease, PCB, heavy metals, carbon, bilge,organoclay,
Oakland County Miscellaneous

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An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products