Massachusetts NonProfit Organizations

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Massachusetts NonProfit Organizations

New Bedford Symphony Orchestra - New Bedford, Massachusetts, 02741 - 508-999-6276
Symphony Orchestra
Founded in 1915, the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra is a fully professional ensemble that is led by Dr. David MacKenzie, well-known as the leader of Rogue Opera in Oregon, a popular guest conductor in America and abroad, as well as a dedicated music educator.

Bristol County NonProfit Organizations
American Red Cross Blood Services - NER - Dedham, MA 02026 - 781-461-2086

The American Red Cross is seeking volunteers to help out at blood drives within your community. Help register donors or provide refreshments. Duties are light and we will train.
Middlesex County NonProfit Organizations
Crossroads for Kids - Ashby, MA 01431 - 781/834-2700
Volunteer Opportunity
Saturday, May 18, 2002 9am-3:30pm

Middlesex County NonProfit Organizations
Free Fund Raising Program - Bedford, MA 01730 - (617)240-5245

We offer schools, teams and other groups the opportunity to raise money by offering discount magazine subscriptions. No fees or commitments required.
Middlesex County NonProfit Organizations
American Red Cross Blood Services - NER - Dedham, MA 02026 - 781-461-2086 or 1-800-448-3543

The American Red Cross is seeking volunteers to help out at blood drives within your community. Help register donors or provide refreshments. Duties are light and we will train.
Norfolk County NonProfit Organizations
American Red Cross Blood Services - NER - Dedham, MA 02026 - 781-461-2086 or 1-800-448-3543

The American Red Cross is seeking volunteers to help out at blood drives within your community. Help register donors or provide refreshments. Duties are light and we will train.
Suffolk County NonProfit Organizations
Central MA Public Safety - Uxbridge, MA 01569-0072 - 508-278-3477
Emergency Communications
A non-profit helping Cities and Towns statewide in disasters providing communications support.
Worcester County NonProfit Organizations

Agriculture_and_Animals | Arts_Crafts_Antiques | Automobile_and_Truck_Services | Business_Opportunities | Children_and_Child_Care | Class_Reunion_Announcements | Computers_and_Internet | Construction_and_Home_Repair | County_or_City_Guides | Entertainment_and_Leisure | Financial_and_Insurance | Government_Pages | Health_and_Personal_Care | Home_Services | Homes_For_Sale_by_Agent | Homes_For_Sale_by_Owner | Industrial_and_Manufacturing | Items_For_Sale | Items_Wanted | Local_Genealogy_Sites | Miscellaneous | News_and_Media | NonProfit_Organizations | Personal_or_Family_Pages | Professional_Services | Property_For_Rent_or_Lease | Real_Estate_Services | Religous_Organizations | Restaurants_and_Lodging | Retail_Wholesale_Mechandisers | School_Pages | Sports_and_Fitness | Travel_and_Lodging | Vehicles_For_Sale |
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