Massachusetts Lung

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Massachusetts Lung

Anthony Lunghis Graphic Design Studio - North Dighton - 508 642 3727
graphic design
Would you like more clients ? I would like to help you achieve this goal for you by creating eye catching printed material to represent your business such as business cards, logos and brochures so you can stand out from other businesses. I work from home and charge less than half of what a design agency charges and I also will provide quick turnaround for you. I am currently working on a book cover for famous comedian Viki Wagner. Some of the printed material I can create for you include brochures, business cards, logos, flyers, posters newsletters, menus, cds etc. I have seven plus years in the desktop publishing field as well as the graphic design field.
10% off your first graphic design project just mention I found your 10% off add,expires August 31st, 2009,
Bristol County Computers and Internet

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