Maryland Religous Organizations

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Maryland Religous Organizations

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306

Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., Child and Infant Nursary available, Sunday School classes for all at 9:00 a.m., All types of fellowship areas and events for all ages. Fellowships are for Kids,Youth,Teens,Singles, Marrieds, Middies, Mid-life, Seniors, Our Evening Worship service for Sunday is at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday Services are at 7:00 p.m.,Our out-reach ministry involves sponsoring folks struggling spiritually and physically by helping them with other non-profit ministries such as surplus construction materials to help defray high expenses and ability to give to the Church ministry. we also accept donated time folks can offer in all types of ministries to help the fallen ones that Jesus identifies as lost sheep. We appreciate any talent you have to help us. God bless for visiting our site. Psalm 18:28 For thou wilt light my Candle. We will help you light your candle, so you can become a million candle lights.

Carroll County Religous Organizations
Liberty Church - Westminster Maryland 21157 - 410-857-4313
Liberty Church is a center of vibrant worship and biblical ministry, focused on bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to our community and our world. Liberty's House Of Bread ministry provides free groceries to the needy. Guests find a friendly welcome at our Sunday worship services (10:00 AM) and our small group Bible Studies (Wednesdays at 7:00 PM) Questions? Call Pastor Ready at 410-596-4096 or send an email to

Carroll County Religous Organizations
New Life Outreach Ministry - 20646 - 240-349-2596
Church Outreach Organization
Everyone is Invited to come & share with the New Life Outreach Family

Charles County Religous Organizations
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306
Bible, Saviour, Jesus, Alive, Born Again, Baptised, Repent, Healing
Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., Child and Infant Nursary available, Sundy School classes for all at 9:00 a.m., All types of fellowship areas and events for all ages. Fellowships are for Kids,Youth,Teens,Singles, Marrieds, Middies, Mid-life, Seniors, Our Evening Worship service for Sunday is at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday Services are at 7:00 p.m.,Our out-reach ministry involves sponsoring folks struggling spiritually and physically by helping them with other non-profit ministries such as surplus construction materials to help defray high expenses and ability to give to the Church ministry. we also accept donated time folks can offer in all types of ministries to help the fallen ones that Jesus identifies as lost sheep. We appreciate any talent you have to help us. God bless for visiting our site. Psalm 18:28 For thou wilt light my Candle. We will help you light your candle, so you can become a million candle lights.

Frederick County Religous Organizations
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306

Howard County Religous Organizations
Church of the Universal Christ - Germantown, Maryland, 20874 - 1-301-972-5167 1-888-EXCITE2 ext 3019168136
On Line Church
Your E-Church. Welcome all Christians
Montgomery County Religous Organizations
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306
Bible, Saviour, Jesus, Alive, Born Again, Baptised, Repent, Healing
Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., Child and Infant Nursary available, Sundy School classes for all at 9:00 a.m., All types of fellowship areas and events for all ages. Fellowships are for Kids,Youth,Teens,Singles, Marrieds, Middies, Mid-life, Seniors, Our Evening Worship service for Sunday is at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday Services are at 7:00 p.m.,Our out-reach ministry involves sponsoring folks struggling spiritually and physically by helping them with other non-profit ministries such as surplus construction materials to help defray high expenses and ability to give to the Church ministry. we also accept donated time folks can offer in all types of ministries to help the fallen ones that Jesus identifies as lost sheep. We appreciate any talent you have to help us. God bless for visiting our site. Psalm 18:28 For thou wilt light my Candle. We will help you light your candle, so you can become a million candle lights.
Montgomery County Religous Organizations
God's Reason--Church of the Universal Christ: - Germantown, Maryland, 20874 - 1-301-972-5167 1-888-EXCITE2 ext 3019168136
The Only Left Wing Christian web Site Around! Be heard. Help Support Ralph Nader! Great Christian Links!
Montgomery County Religous Organizations
Or HaOlam (Light of the World) - Rockville, MD 20849 - 301-279-0061
Messianic Congregation
Meetings every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at Faith United Methodist Church, on Montrose Road in Rockville. Celebrating Fall Feasts in September and October. Special celebrations for Resurrection Sunday and Christmas.
Montgomery County Religous Organizations

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