Maryland Physical

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Maryland Physical

Preston Shotokan Dojo - Preston, MD 21655 - 410-673-1872

Shotokan Karate school, Okinawan style, open to ages 7 and up. Teaches self discipline,control and physical fitness. ,,
Caroline County School Pages
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306

Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., Child and Infant Nursary available, Sunday School classes for all at 9:00 a.m., All types of fellowship areas and events for all ages. Fellowships are for Kids,Youth,Teens,Singles, Marrieds, Middies, Mid-life, Seniors, Our Evening Worship service for Sunday is at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday Services are at 7:00 p.m.,Our out-reach ministry involves sponsoring folks struggling spiritually and physically by helping them with other non-profit ministries such as surplus construction materials to help defray high expenses and ability to give to the Church ministry. we also accept donated time folks can offer in all types of ministries to help the fallen ones that Jesus identifies as lost sheep. We appreciate any talent you have to help us. God bless for visiting our site. Psalm 18:28 For thou wilt light my Candle. We will help you light your candle, so you can become a million candle lights.
Bible Studies, Worship Services, Adult Choir, Celebration, Teen Events, Senior Events, Children Events, Youth Events, Mothers Events, Fathers Events ,Great Country Air Atmosphere, Almost Heaven, Part of Appilachia foot hills,Events Free, Food is great, Really country cooking, Monthly breakfast
Carroll County Religous Organizations
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306
Bible, Saviour, Jesus, Alive, Born Again, Baptised, Repent, Healing
Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., Child and Infant Nursary available, Sundy School classes for all at 9:00 a.m., All types of fellowship areas and events for all ages. Fellowships are for Kids,Youth,Teens,Singles, Marrieds, Middies, Mid-life, Seniors, Our Evening Worship service for Sunday is at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday Services are at 7:00 p.m.,Our out-reach ministry involves sponsoring folks struggling spiritually and physically by helping them with other non-profit ministries such as surplus construction materials to help defray high expenses and ability to give to the Church ministry. we also accept donated time folks can offer in all types of ministries to help the fallen ones that Jesus identifies as lost sheep. We appreciate any talent you have to help us. God bless for visiting our site. Psalm 18:28 For thou wilt light my Candle. We will help you light your candle, so you can become a million candle lights.
Bible Studies, Worship Services, Adult Choir, Celebration, Teen Events, Senior Events, Children Events, Youth Events, Mothers Events, Fathers Events ,Great Country Air Atmosphere, Almost Heaven, Part of Appilachia foot hills,Events Free, Food is great, Really country cooking, Monthly breakfast
Frederick County Religous Organizations
Restore Motion - Rockville, MD, 20852 - 301.881.9313
Physical Therapy
Need a physical therapist? Located in Rockville, Maryland, Restore Motion is a full service provider of physical therapy services using a hands-on approach. Our physical therapists have a minimum of 8 years of experience and advanced training in osteopathic manual medicine. We specialize in providing each client with an individualized treatment program every step of the way from a comprehensive evaluation of your condition to a realization of your health and fitness potential. Come get the individualized care and attention you deserve with in-depth, personalized, private physical therapy sessions. Physical Therapy,Rehabilitation,Massage Therapy
Montgomery County Health and Personal Care
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DAMASCUS - Damascus, Mary;land 20872 - 301-253-482-0306
Bible, Saviour, Jesus, Alive, Born Again, Baptised, Repent, Healing
Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., Child and Infant Nursary available, Sundy School classes for all at 9:00 a.m., All types of fellowship areas and events for all ages. Fellowships are for Kids,Youth,Teens,Singles, Marrieds, Middies, Mid-life, Seniors, Our Evening Worship service for Sunday is at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday Services are at 7:00 p.m.,Our out-reach ministry involves sponsoring folks struggling spiritually and physically by helping them with other non-profit ministries such as surplus construction materials to help defray high expenses and ability to give to the Church ministry. we also accept donated time folks can offer in all types of ministries to help the fallen ones that Jesus identifies as lost sheep. We appreciate any talent you have to help us. God bless for visiting our site. Psalm 18:28 For thou wilt light my Candle. We will help you light your candle, so you can become a million candle lights. Bible Studies, Worship Services, Adult Choir, Celebration, Teen Events, Senior Events, Children Events, Youth Events, Mothers Events, Fathers Events ,Great Country Air Atmosphere, Almost Heaven, Part of Appilachia foot hills,Events Free, Food is great, Really country cooking, Monthly breakfast
Montgomery County Religous Organizations

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