Louisiana NonProfit Organizations

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Louisiana NonProfit Organizations

Office of Community Design and Development - Baton Rouge, LA, 70808 - 225.219.9319

East Baton Rouge Parish NonProfit Organizations
LegacyMemorials.org, Inc. - Winnsboro, LA 71295 - 318-723=5575
Create a Timeless Tribute - Share the memories. A memorial that will continue to give for generations. Grief, bereavement and loss community and resources.
Franklin Parish NonProfit Organizations
Sons of the Dragon Combat Martial Arts - Pollock, Louisiana, 71467 - 318-641-0508

We are dedicated to a person's god-given right for self preservation dealing mainly in the category of martial self defense. We invoke traditional values, ancient techniques combined with modern scientific principles, and (most importantly) the proper mental attitude to produce, within our studen'ts, the ability to properly defend themselves in any physical altercation.
Grant Parish NonProfit Organizations
Sales Tax Only - Terrytown, LA 70056-5241 - 504-433-3255
Each County of all the several States shall have only one Vote. The candidate who receives the most popular Votes cast in a County shall receive One Vote from that County in the General Election for President and Vice President in the United States.
Jefferson Parish NonProfit Organizations
Discovery Earthcare - Slidell L.A. 70461 - 985-726-0910
Science and Nature store
Discovery Earthcare is a specialty gift nature store. We are devoted to fostering a broader appreciation for the world in which we live by providing consumers with quality nature theme products that are educational, entertaining and help improve quality of life
St. Tammany Parish NonProfit Organizations
FUN BUS CASINO TOURS - Natchez, MS - 601-442-8248
THE FUN BUS” will roll again for the opening of the Grand Soleil Casino in beautiful Natchez, Miss. Grand Opening will be Spring of 2009. All passengers will be able to enjoy a five-hour stay at the Casino. Visit this site often to see the exact opening day for the casino, or call: 601-442-8248 for more information.

St. Tammany Parish NonProfit Organizations

Agriculture_and_Animals | Arts_Crafts_Antiques | Automobile_and_Truck_Services | Business_Opportunities | Children_and_Child_Care | Class_Reunion_Announcements | Computers_and_Internet | Construction_and_Home_Repair | County_or_City_Guides | Entertainment_and_Leisure | Financial_and_Insurance | Government_Pages | Health_and_Personal_Care | Home_Services | Homes_For_Sale_by_Agent | Homes_For_Sale_by_Owner | Industrial_and_Manufacturing | Items_For_Sale | Items_Wanted | Local_Genealogy_Sites | Miscellaneous | News_and_Media | NonProfit_Organizations | Personal_or_Family_Pages | Professional_Services | Property_For_Rent_or_Lease | Real_Estate_Services | Religous_Organizations | Restaurants_and_Lodging | Retail_Wholesale_Mechandisers | School_Pages | Sports_and_Fitness | Travel_and_Lodging | Vehicles_For_Sale |
An online Store providing salons, pharmacies, and individuals with pre-made bases, formulations and formulary materials like essential oils for homemade personal and skin care products