Kansas Patent | ||
Kansas PatentVibrant Yard Company, LLC. - Andover - 316-519-2168Garden Tools Manufacturer of attachments that convert garden tillers into core lawn aerators. U.S. Patent No. 6,684,960. aerator,tiller,aeration Butler County Retail Wholesale Mechandisers Moisture MinderŪ water leak detection. - Prairie Village, KS 66208 - 913.381.2906 Water leak detection. The Moisture MinderŪ is a US Patented system. Consisting of an electronic unit attached to a special FibretecŪ Mat. The mat is rolled out behind a refrigerator or washing machine or placed under a dishwasher waiting to alert you to the first drop of water that may leak and cause cupping to your hardwoods and the growth of mold in your house. Its effective especially in concealed areas. Detect water leaks in concealed spaces.,Protect your hardwood floors from water damage.,cheap insurance ($19.95) against water damage. Johnson County Home Services |