Kansas NonProfit Organizations

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Kansas NonProfit Organizations

Cherokee Co. Ks. Gen-Historical Soc. - Columbus, KS 66725 - 620-429-2992
Genealogy Society and Library
Research facility and repository for county records. Members will do research for $7.50 per hour donation to society with $15. minimum. We have all county newspapers on microfilm, many of them indexed for birth, death, marriages. Federal and State Census records for Cherokee county, 1860 - 1930, indexed to 1900. Marriage, civil court, and probate records indexed. Membership is $15. per year single, $20. family, and $150/200. lifetime. Non-members are welcome to come and do your own research in our records for a $2. donation to society.
Cherokee County NonProfit Organizations
Western Kansas Football League - Hays, KS, 67601 - 785-625-3758
Home site for Western Kansas Football League
Ellis County NonProfit Organizations
Mueller-Schmidt House (1881) Museum - Dodge City, KS 67801 - 620-227-8808
Historic House Museum
Oldest house in Dodge City and only limestone house. Built in 1881; on National Register of Historic Places; owned by Ford County; curated by the Ford County Historical Society.
Ford County NonProfit Organizations
Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings - Gladstone, MO. 64068 - 816-781-1590
construction and home repair
We have experienced the lack of consumer protection in Kansas for those who purchase a new home. We would like to educate the consumer so that they can make an informed decision when choosing a builder and signing a contract. We offer support to families who have already been HADD by their builder.
Johnson County NonProfit Organizations
Jason Brown Premier Realty Group - Overland Park, KS 66210 - (913) 906-5417
Kansas City Realtor
Kansas City Realtor, Jason Brown real estate agent, homes and real estate for sale in Kansas, Missouri, Overland Park, Lenexa, Olathe, Shawnee, Leawood, Johnson County, K.C. Search KC Multiple Listing Service MLS properties, Jason Brown Premier Realty Group
Johnson County NonProfit Organizations
Witchita Kansas Hospice - 67208 - 316-264-9180
Wichita Hospices, Sedgwick County Hospice Care, Cancer Care and End Stage Diseases Medical Center at Hospice Care of Kansas
Sedgwick County NonProfit Organizations

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