Colorado Religous Organizations

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Colorado Religous Organizations

Community United Methodist Church - Keenesburg, CO 80643 - (303) 732-4319 or (303) 877-3812
Church, United Methodist
Community United Methodist Church is a welcoming and friendly congregation. On Sundays we average around 50 worshipers. In addition to youth group, Bible studies, and Sunday School for all ages, we also have a Tae Kwon Do club for all ages and are partners with the South Weld County Advocacy Coalition in a Food Pantry and Clothing Closet program. For 2004 our theme slogan is Fanning the Flames of Our Faith, with different emphases on Christian virtues, habits and service to the world that will encourage the flames of our faith to grow. We try to make our church family a place where people of all sorts of backgrounds can deepen their relationship to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Weld County Religous Organizations

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