Arkansas Religous Organizations

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Arkansas Religous Organizations

Apostolic Temple - Hot Springs, AR 71901 - 501-321-4127
Come Visit A Church Where the Fires of Pentecost Still Burn!
Garland County Religous Organizations
New Life Fellowship - Sheridan, Arkansas 72150 - 870-942-8886
We welcome all to come join us in worship. We have Service each Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M. and evening service at 6:00 P.M. We also offer Wednesday services at 7:00 P.M.
Grant County Religous Organizations
The Refuge - Texarkana, AR 71854 - 870-7REFUGE
Christian Community Center
Christian Community Center for youth offering pool, foos ball, ping pong, volleyball, basketball, plus lots of other games, and lots of food every Friday and Saturday night from 6pm-10pm - FREE !!!
Miller County Religous Organizations
Ridgecrest Baptist Church - Blytheville, Ar. 72315 - (870) 763-0182 or (870) 838-0054

A southern baptist church known as -The church that cares-

Mississippi County Religous Organizations
Flat Rock Baptist Church - London, AR 72847 - 501-885-2438

Flat Rock Baptist Church is located 3.5 miles west of London, Arkansas, just north of the intersection US Hwy-64 and SR-359.
Pope County Religous Organizations
Zion Lutheran Chuch - Alexander, Arkansas 72002 - (501)-316-1100
Embracing people with the Saving grace of Jesus Christ
Saline County Religous Organizations
Zion Lutheran Church of Avilla - Alexander, AR 72002 - 501-316-1100
Embracing People with the Saving Love of Jesus Christ

Saline County Religous Organizations
Fellowship Bible Church - Forrest City, AR 72336 - 870-633-5578

St. Francis County Religous Organizations
Choctaw Church of Christ - Choctaw, AR. 72028 - 501-745-8264
We are a friendly and caring group of people committed to bringing a LIVING Christ to a DYING world!

Van Buren County Religous Organizations

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