Arkansas Church

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Arkansas Church

Sandiff: A Mountain Lake Retreat - Higden, Arkansas, 72067 - 501-825-7591
Mountain Lake Retreat
Sandiff is a 90-acre old farm, which was once a logging camp. It is rented to only one group at a time. It sleeps 13 in beds (three buildings) It is perfect for family reunions, group vacations/meetings, church retreats, honeymooning, hiking, and fishing. Sandiff has a newly built (2001), 46' x 24' screened-in pavilion with a complete kitchen and a full bath. Swimming, fishing,Hiking, canoeing,Relaxing in seclusion with mother nature
Cleburne County Travel and Lodging
Apostolic Temple - Hot Springs, AR 71901 - 501-321-4127
Come Visit A Church Where the Fires of Pentecost Still Burn! ,,
Garland County Religous Organizations
New Life Fellowship - Sheridan, Arkansas 72150 - 870-942-8886
We welcome all to come join us in worship. We have Service each Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M. and evening service at 6:00 P.M. We also offer Wednesday services at 7:00 P.M. Come worship with us!,,
Grant County Religous Organizations
Ridgecrest Baptist Church - Blytheville, Ar. 72315 - (870) 763-0182 or (870) 838-0054

A southern baptist church known as -The church that cares-
Good, sound, biblical teaching,Solid Bible Preaching,A Jesus-Loving group of people
Mississippi County Religous Organizations
Flat Rock Baptist Church - London, AR 72847 - 501-885-2438

Flat Rock Baptist Church is located 3.5 miles west of London, Arkansas, just north of the intersection US Hwy-64 and SR-359. ,,
Pope County Religous Organizations
Zion Lutheran Chuch - Alexander, Arkansas 72002 - (501)-316-1100
Embracing people with the Saving grace of Jesus Christ LCMS,Church Service sundays at 9:00 AM,Sunday school at 10:30 AM
Saline County Religous Organizations
Zion Lutheran Church of Avilla - Alexander, AR 72002 - 501-316-1100
Embracing People with the Saving Love of Jesus Christ
Missouri Synod,Church services at 8:30 am and 11:15 am,Sunday School begins 10:00 am
Saline County Religous Organizations
Fellowship Bible Church - Forrest City, AR 72336 - 870-633-5578
Helping people find REAL life!,,
St. Francis County Religous Organizations
Choctaw Church of Christ - Choctaw, AR. 72028 - 501-745-8264
We are a friendly and caring group of people committed to bringing a LIVING Christ to a DYING world!
Van Buren County Religous Organizations

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