Texas | NonProfit_Organizations
Christian and family oriented club
Hwy. 326 South (6 miles south of Kountze)
Kountze, Tx. 77625
Contact Person: Carol Roberts - advertising - 409-834-2070
Homepage: http://cowboys for christ
To reach the lost with the saving salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ
cowboy church, play days, monthly meetings, trail rides, benefits, camping, family and christian fun.
Meetings - 3rd Sat. of ea. mo. at 7:30 p. m. COME AND JOIN US. admission is free
COWBOY'S FOR CHRIST is a christian organization that caters to all people who love animals (any animal). We have get togethers, fish fries, trail rides, canoeing, camping, etc. So if you like the outdoors, come and join us. Admission fee: FREE TO ALL
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Hwy. 326 South (6 miles south of Kountze) -
Kountze, Tx. 77625 -
409-385-6160 -
To reach the lost with the saving salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ
cowboy church, play days, monthly meetings, trail rides, benefits, camping, family and christian fun.
Meetings - 3rd Sat. of ea. mo. at 7:30 p. m. COME AND JOIN US. admission is free
COWBOY'S FOR CHRIST is a christian organization that caters to all people who love animals (any animal). We have get togethers, fish fries, trail rides, canoeing, camping, etc. So if you like the outdoors, come and join us. Admission fee: FREE TO ALL
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