North-Dakota | NonProfit_Organizations
  • Genealogy
    Mouse River Loop Genealogical Society
    P.O. Box 13991
    Minot, North Dakota, 58702
    (701) 624-5708
    Contact Person: Darwin Kampman


    The Mouse River Loop Genealogical Society covers the counties of Bottineau , Burke, McHenry, Mountrail , Renville ,and Ward who share a common interest in tracing their roots here in North Dakota and other areas as well. The society meets the first Saturday of every month except July. Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. in the Minot Public Library's Community Room, 516 2nd Ave. SW, Minot, ND (telephone number [701]852-1045). Membership is $15.00 per year and includes 4 issues of the 30 page newsletter, NORTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA GENEALOGICAL RECORD. However, if you would like the RECORD mailed to you, please submit an additional $4.00 in the continental USA or $5.00 outside the continental USA. The genealogical society has been active in compiling records of Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, Mountrail, Renville, and Ward counties; reading cemeteries, sponsoring workshops, issuing Pioneer and Early Settler Certificates and purchasing genealogical material which is placed in the Minot Public Library. For further information, write MRLGS, P.O. Box 1391, Minot ND 58702.


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    Mouse River Loop Genealogical Society - P.O. Box 13991 - Minot, North Dakota, 58702 - (701) 624-5708 - The Mouse River Loop Genealogical Society covers the counties of Bottineau , Burke, McHenry, Mountrail , Renville ,and Ward who share a common interest in tracing their roots here in North Dakota and other areas as well. The society meets the first Saturday of every month except July. Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. in the Minot Public Library's Community Room, 516 2nd Ave. SW, Minot, ND (telephone number [701]852-1045). Membership is $15.00 per year and includes 4 issues of the 30 page newsletter, NORTH CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA GENEALOGICAL RECORD. However, if you would like the RECORD mailed to you, please submit an additional $4.00 in the continental USA or $5.00 outside the continental USA. The genealogical society has been active in compiling records of Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, Mountrail, Renville, and Ward counties; reading cemeteries, sponsoring workshops, issuing Pioneer and Early Settler Certificates and purchasing genealogical material which is placed in the Minot Public Library. For further information, write MRLGS, P.O. Box 1391, Minot ND 58702.
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