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  • Astrology
    StarMyste AstroZine

    North Carolina

    Contact Person: StarMyste


  • spirituality, astrological analysis, Relocation charts, Synastry, Transits, Progressions, Composite
  • Career Changes, job loss, Mid-life Crisis, Southport, Wilmington, North Carolina,

    You are unique, in that your natal chart cannot be duplicated in approximately 25,800 years. It reveals the inner person and where the individual needs to manifest potential outwardly in order to experience satisfaction inwardly. The Natal chart reveals to me the souls direction, the specific direction that your soul wants to go. When you are cooperating with your own direction of energy, everything on the physical plane works (love, work, money, frienships, business and so forth). When you are resisting the natural flow of your own energy, everything on the physical plane stops working in those areas where resistance is occurring. The idea is to have it all on the physical level by aligning and cooperating with the direction of one's own internal energies.


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    StarMyste AstroZine - - North Carolina - -
  • spirituality, astrological analysis, Relocation charts, Synastry, Transits, Progressions, Composite
  • Career Changes, job loss, Mid-life Crisis, Southport, Wilmington, North Carolina, You are unique, in that your natal chart cannot be duplicated in approximately 25,800 years. It reveals the inner person and where the individual needs to manifest potential outwardly in order to experience satisfaction inwardly. The Natal chart reveals to me the souls direction, the specific direction that your soul wants to go. When you are cooperating with your own direction of energy, everything on the physical plane works (love, work, money, frienships, business and so forth). When you are resisting the natural flow of your own energy, everything on the physical plane stops working in those areas where resistance is occurring. The idea is to have it all on the physical level by aligning and cooperating with the direction of one's own internal energies.
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