Massachusetts | Children_and_Child_Care
Face Painting
Creative Face Painting
Orleans rd
Harwich, MA, 02645
(508) 524-4558
Contact Person: Eileen
Homepage: http://faces2paint.net
Face Painting & Balloon Art
Face painting, full faces, half faces, eye designs, cheek art, temporary tattoos, airbrush art, cape cod, Massachusetts, Hyannis, Plymouth, Boston, entertainment, art, kids, children, birthday parties, schools, hotels, libraries, daycare, boys, girls, princess, pirate, clown, themed parties, elaborate faces, party ideas, balloons, clowns, Massachusetts, cape cod, Hyannis,
Face Painting and Balloon Art for Birthdays & Events. Over 100 faces to choose from: full faces, half faces, eye designs, cheek art, temporary tattoos and airbrush art. All make-up is FDA approved. We offer Themed Parties and Children’s Characters. Serving Cape Cod, The Islands and surrounding Massachusetts areas (Plymouth county and the Boston area)
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Creative Face Painting -
Orleans rd -
Harwich, MA, 02645 -
(508) 524-4558 -
Face Painting & Balloon Art
Face painting, full faces, half faces, eye designs, cheek art, temporary tattoos, airbrush art, cape cod, Massachusetts, Hyannis, Plymouth, Boston, entertainment, art, kids, children, birthday parties, schools, hotels, libraries, daycare, boys, girls, princess, pirate, clown, themed parties, elaborate faces, party ideas, balloons, clowns, Massachusetts, cape cod, Hyannis,
Face Painting and Balloon Art for Birthdays & Events. Over 100 faces to choose from: full faces, half faces, eye designs, cheek art, temporary tattoos and airbrush art. All make-up is FDA approved. We offer Themed Parties and Children’s Characters. Serving Cape Cod, The Islands and surrounding Massachusetts areas (Plymouth county and the Boston area)
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