Iowa | Arts_Crafts_Antiques
Arts, crafts, gifts
pennylaneinspirations, Margaret Majerczyk
1532 Quail Ave
Floyd, Iowa 50435
Contact Person: Margaret
Homepage: http://www.pennylaneinspirations.com
welcome sign, gifts, wood gifts, painted crafts,lighthouses, Irish gifts, bird houses, painted santas, painted snowmen, easter gifts, patrotic gifts, 4thjuly gifts, all season gifts, yard signs, indoor signs, door signs, welcome signs, welcome figures, welcome, handpainted gifts, hand painted crafts, wood art, painted poles, winter paintings, summer paintings, witches, flowers, thanksgiving paintings, christmas angels, valentine, easter, hand painted furniture, oak furniture, oak pie safes,oak hutches,oak vcr cabinets, oak glass cupboards,oak hampers,oak trash bins,oak round top trunks, flat top trunks, painted trunks, hand painted furniture oak,
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pennylaneinspirations, Margaret Majerczyk -
1532 Quail Ave -
Floyd, Iowa 50435 -
641-398-2874 -
welcome sign, gifts, wood gifts, painted crafts,lighthouses, Irish gifts, bird houses, painted santas, painted snowmen, easter gifts, patrotic gifts, 4thjuly gifts, all season gifts, yard signs, indoor signs, door signs, welcome signs, welcome figures, welcome, handpainted gifts, hand painted crafts, wood art, painted poles, winter paintings, summer paintings, witches, flowers, thanksgiving paintings, christmas angels, valentine, easter, hand painted furniture, oak furniture, oak pie safes,oak hutches,oak vcr cabinets, oak glass cupboards,oak hampers,oak trash bins,oak round top trunks, flat top trunks, painted trunks, hand painted furniture oak,
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