Indiana | Home_Services
Pest Control
Rose Pest Solutions
3702 N Wells Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
Contact Person: Bob Seske
Homepage: http://www.rosepestsolutions.com
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Rose provides common sense pest management solutions for commercial and residential clients throughout Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and Western Pennsylvania. We practice integrated pest management, which includes prevention and exclusion to help reduce the use of pesticides. Based in Michigan, Rose is the oldest pest management company in the nation and will celebrate their 150th anniversary in 2010.
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Rose Pest Solutions -
3702 N Wells Street -
Fort Wayne, IN 46808 -
260-484-5589 -
ants, carpenter ants, cockroach, cockroaches, birds, earwigs, bees, wasps, wasp, wasp removal, yellow jackets, stinging insects, bed bugs, bed bug, bedbugs, spiders, spider, how to get rid of spiders, termites, termite control, mice, mouse, rat, rats, rodents, mosquitoes, moles, mole removal, moth, moths, Indian meal moths, flies, vinegar flies, fruit flies, fleas, bats, ladybugs, lady bugs, lady beetles, boxelder bugs, sow bugs, pill bugs, rolly pollies,pest control, pest control services, pest management, pest management services, pest exterminators, rose pest solutions
Rose provides common sense pest management solutions for commercial and residential clients throughout Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and Western Pennsylvania. We practice integrated pest management, which includes prevention and exclusion to help reduce the use of pesticides. Based in Michigan, Rose is the oldest pest management company in the nation and will celebrate their 150th anniversary in 2010.
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