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  • Office Equipment Sales and Service Company
    70 Redding Rd
    Cartersville, GA 30120
    Contact Person: Chris Banzet


    BIZ PRO - We are Metro Atlanta's ONE SOURCE company! Copiers, Fax Machines, Printers, Shredders, Plotters, Duplicators, Computers, Servers, Telecommunication Equipment, Office Furniture, Credit Card Services, Office Supplies and much much more!! We are the company that supplies you with ALL your office technology needs. Tired of not knowing which company you need to call for service? Tired of shared technologies not working because two different companies service the equipment and they conflict with one another? Lost in confusion over the service contracts and the billings statements. Where does this company's service end and the next one begin? STOP!! - ONE AGENT - Who KNOWS your company inside and out. ONE BILLING - Simplified billing with all your services and contracts on ONE document. ONE SERVICE COMPANY - For simplified services and a unified protocol so that all your technology works friendly with your other office technologies. Come see what tomorrow's Office Equipment Dealers will look like and enjoy those benefits TODAY! Remember with today's technology MOST upgrades will actually cost you LESS per month and provide you with MORE features, reliability and performance!! So call us today, and let us EARN your business!!!!


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    BIZ PRO - 70 Redding Rd - Cartersville, GA 30120 - 770-336-2025 - BIZ PRO - We are Metro Atlanta's ONE SOURCE company! Copiers, Fax Machines, Printers, Shredders, Plotters, Duplicators, Computers, Servers, Telecommunication Equipment, Office Furniture, Credit Card Services, Office Supplies and much much more!! We are the company that supplies you with ALL your office technology needs. Tired of not knowing which company you need to call for service? Tired of shared technologies not working because two different companies service the equipment and they conflict with one another? Lost in confusion over the service contracts and the billings statements. Where does this company's service end and the next one begin? STOP!! - ONE AGENT - Who KNOWS your company inside and out. ONE BILLING - Simplified billing with all your services and contracts on ONE document. ONE SERVICE COMPANY - For simplified services and a unified protocol so that all your technology works friendly with your other office technologies. Come see what tomorrow's Office Equipment Dealers will look like and enjoy those benefits TODAY! Remember with today's technology MOST upgrades will actually cost you LESS per month and provide you with MORE features, reliability and performance!! So call us today, and let us EARN your business!!!!
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